Safety First Since 1919

As the authorized Cat® dealership for the region, Quinn Company practices the highest safety standards and has access to state-of-the-art technological solutions. To help support your organization’s safety goals, Quinn Company offers instruction in machine operation and technical proficiency. We provide one-on-one operator training sessions that show your employees the safest and most efficient ways to use machinery.

Speak Up! Listen Up!

Speak Up!/Listen Up! for Construction was developed in collaboration with 16 of the world’s leading contractors. The program is designed to foster safe work environments by helping employees overcome the anxiety that can be associated with giving or receiving safety-related feedback. Speak Up!/Listen Up! for Construction applies the proven formulas inside Caterpillar’s most widely used training programs to scenarios that will resonate with construction employees anywhere around the world. Get two courses in one with this combined training DVD

Doing business with Quinn? Download Quinn Company’s On-Site Contractor Safety Rules

For additional safety resources, visit Cat Safety Services.